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Rx for cutting heart disease costs: Better nutrition

Heart disease takes a massive physical and financial toll in America every year. Find out how better nutrition is a solution to saving lives and money.

February 14, 2025

Rx for cutting heart disease costs: Better nutrition

In 2022, almost 703,000 Americans died from heart disease. The real toll of heart disease is impossible to quantify when you think of not only all the lost loved ones, but also the lives changed because of this chronic condition.

However, there are ways to measure the actual cost of heart disease, and the numbers are staggering. Based on a American Heart Association (AHA) 2024 report:

  • Direct and indirect costs of cardiovascular disease the United States were estimated at $422.3 billion in 2019 to 2020
  • Of that total, $254.3 billion is direct costs such as medical costs
  • The balance of that total — $168 billion — is indirect costs such as lost productivity due to the death of workers
  • The AHA also noted, the average annual out-of-pocket-expenditures for people with heart failure was $4,423.

Prevention saves lives — and money

What’s most alarming about those numbers is that there is so much that can be done to improve them. It starts with better lifestyle choices including not smoking, getting enough exercise and eating a nutritious diet, all of which help improve heart health for patients with heart disease. Those same habits also help prevent heart disease. Research shows that if people would address their risk factors for heart disease, almost 80% of all heart disease could be prevented.

Better prevention not only saves lives, but it also saves the nation and individuals large amounts of money in health care expenditures. A report from The Commonwealth Fund shows that health care spending, both per person and as a share of the gross domestic product (GDP), continues to be far higher in the U.S. than in other high-income countries.

Food as medicine

Eating a heart-healthy diet is one of the most important preventive measures a person can take and emphasizes eating plenty of:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Healthy sources of protein including lean meats, seafood, nuts and beans
  • Whole grain foods like whole grain breads and pastas
  • Low-fat or fat-free dairy

It also focuses on reducing the consumption of fat, salt, sugar and processed foods.

Pilot program proves the value of nutrition solutions

It’s no wonder a heart-smart diet is often considered food as medicine because it can help control weight, lower cholesterol, reduce blood sugar and manage blood pressure. A 12-month pilot program with Mom’s Meals® and Inland Empire Health Plan in California demonstrated just how powerful quality nutrition and counseling can be in improving health and lowering medical costs for people living with congestive heart failure.

Study participants each had at least two hospital visits in the previous year. They received medically tailored home-delivered meals, pantry boxes, other health-related tools and nutrition education.

  • First half of the program — Mom’s Meals provided three lower-sodium fully prepared meals per day
  • Second half of the program — Mom’s Meals tapered fully prepared meals to two per day, then to one while also offering fresh produce and pantry boxes, delivered to the homes of pilot participants

Results included:

  • 50% reduction in hospitalizations
  • 50% reduction in emergency room visits
  • 25% reduction in total cost of care

Reanalysis of results a year after the program ended:

  • 42% reduction in hospitalizations
  • 39% reduction in length of stay
  • 21% reduction on total cost of care

Mom’s Meals nutrition solutions

Making nutritious foods more accessible and helping educate individuals about healthier choices is especially important for patients with chronic illnesses like heart disease.

Dedicated to improving life through better nutrition at home, Mom’s Meals provides nutrition solutions including nutrition counseling and ready-to-heat-and-eat meals delivered direct to homes. Designed by registered dietitians and professional chefs, we offer nine delicious menus that support most chronic conditions. Our experts work with health plans, managed care organizations, state governments and area agencies on aging to help their members and clients achieve better health outcomes while improving total cost of care. See how we can help.
